auslandprogramme weltweit

An enriching time of your life!

If you love to take care of children, want to improve your German level and experience a German family’s daily life – the Au Pair program is the right opportunity for you!

What does Au Pair mean?

"Au Pair" derives from the French expression for "mutual". As an Au Pair you will live with a hostfamily and participate in their daily life like an adult sister or brother for the family’s children. You help the family in taking care of the children und support them in light daily household chores. In return, your hostparents will help you to settle in your new surroundings, support your leisure time activities and help you to make the most of your stay. They give you an approach to the German culture and way of life, so that your stay will be a successful one.

The Au Pair stay is popular for several reasons: It allows you to stay in a foreign country for up to 12 months without spending much money. And it gives you a great opportunity to experience your hostcountry from a new perspective and broaden your horizon along the way:

  • Your language skills will improve!
  • You experience another country, another culture and another way-of-life!
  • You find friends from all over the world!
  • You learn to handle new situations!
  • Your experience abroad will have a positive impact on your CV!
Auf einen Blick
von 6 bis 12 Monaten
Sommer Au Pair möglich
ab 18 Jahre
landesweit, z.B. Köln, Hamburg, Berlin, München, Stuttgart, Frankfurt, etc.
280€ monatlich
70€ monatlich Zuschuss zum Sprachkurs

Wir helfen Ihnen gerne weiter

Sie erreichen uns persönlich:
Mo. Mi. Do. 10:00-17:00 Uhr
Di. Fr. 10:00-15:00 Uhr

Wir helfen dir gerne weiter

Au Pair in Deutschland: 0221-92130-40
Au Pair ins Ausland: 0221-92130-44
Mo/Mi/Do: 10:00-17:00 Uhr
Di/Fr: 10:00-15:00 Uhr



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