auslandprogramme weltweit

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Aufgrund der weltweiten Pandemie und damit verbundenen Unsicherheiten und Reiseeinschränkungen haben wir uns dazu entschlossen, die Vermittlung von Work and Travel Programmen, Freiwilligenaufenthalten und Praktika vorerst einzustellen.

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Wir freuen uns,  dir Au Pair Aufenthalte im Ausland weiterhin anbieten zu können und auf diesem Weg jungen Menschen Auslandserfahrungen zu ermöglichen. 


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Work and Travel in England - Erfahrungsbericht von Susanne

Hi Guys,
Last year in September I decided to go to England for one year. My decison was quiet easy, because I made a placement in 2013 in a Hotel in Brighton. I learned to love England more and more with its tradtions . I was reallly sad after this placement to come back to Germany . But first I had to finish my school for Hotel and tourism management.

As soon as I finished my school it was really clear for me to go back to this lovely country and so I came back last year in September with Multikultur because so I got a job in a hotel and I could build up my skills in the hotel industry which I learned in Germany.

I started in to work in a hotel in Bournemouth as a waitress . My day in the hotel looked like I had to prepare the breakfast buffet for the guest, clear the tables and set up for dinner. After we were finish with the breakfast we had a break and came back in the evening for dinner. At dinner time I took order and served the food.

On weekends we had always function so we served the food for them, set up the tables, clear the tables and look after the guest.

In December I got the a notice that they do not have enough shifts for me anymore so they quit my job. But I did not want to give up my dream to stay in England, so I looked for a new job. In March I found a new in a hotel in Christchurch.

In Christchurch I got new tasks and challenges. So on breakfast I have now my stations like tea, coffee and toast were your prepare all this stuff and send it to the guest , another station is the pass were you polish all the dishes and serve the hot breakfast food, on the floor I have to clear the tables and set it up with the relays and on the buffet I have to refill everything. And after the breakfast I have to tidy up the stations and on the floor I set up the tables for lunch.

On lunchtime I am mostly on the pass so I have to serve the food, polish all the dishes and bring the dirty dishes to the potwash.

After lunch we have also afternoon tea ,where I serve tea, coffee and the afternoon items on a traditional stand.

When the afternoon tea is over I finish my shift for today and come back on the next day.

Sometimes I have to do also dinner shifts, which works like lunch. I have just to tidy up everything and prepare for breakfast like relays, bring the linen away etc.

That is what I have done at my work for the year in England I stayed in a shard flat with three other flat mates who changed nearly every three to four months. So I knew a lot of people and it was really funny with them. I will never forget them. One of my flat mates stayed also a long time like me . When I had to say good by to her it was quiet hard, because we stayed a long time together and now we know us each other like sibblings.

When you book the work experince programme you have school two times per week for 1,5 h. My days were Tuesday and Thursday. But on your first day you have to do an english test which says in which class you have to go. Do not worry when you go in a lower level than you thought because in this school you learn different things than in your school in Germany. They teach you how to speak like a native and what do you need in your job or when you go shopping or anywhere else.

I have to say to live in England it is a tough life but it is worth. So do not hesitate and come over.

My year should be finish now , I am still staying there because of the country which I love more and more and I found friends there , a job , a new flat everything .

And you learn more then just the language . Your learn to stay on your own feet, take responsibility for your own a lot of things which you do not learn at home and you will be proud of you when look back later and you can say yes I did it.

When you decide to go to England I wish you all the best there, have fun and in enjoy it will be an experience which no one can take away from you.

Best wishes

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